Many people experience problems with their backs in the various areas of pain within the body. Pain and stiffness are almost inevitable in our lifestyle, including sitting down and reducing movement for long spells.
With age and stress, back problems are likely to increase, which is why prevention and early care are important to suppress and relieve this condition. Yoga is one of the safest and proven ways to help maintain and restore spinal health.
Improved back flexibility and mobility will instantly notice posture, circulation and pain relief. Movement is easier and wider, the muscles feel less tone and more flexible, and the risk of injury is significantly lower.
A variety of treatment options are available and are being proposed today. However, yoga remains the simplest and most effective course in increasing spinal mobility and strength. We will bring you the best yoga for spine movement.
Top 10 Yoga Poses for Spine Mobility
Most yoga poses work in multiple parts of the body. However, certain asanas focus on building on your back and its mobility. Here are some you can try:
#1 Parsvottanasana

Like its name, this is an intense asana that takes time and practice to master.
- Stand straight, bring one foot forward and move the other backward
- Make sure your body remains, especially the lower back, will directly improve
- Now, put your hands on your hips, push your chin closely into your chest and bend it forward.
- The body must bend only on the torso until the hands fall on the floor and the face touches the knees
- Hold this pose for at least 20 seconds before returning to its original position
- Alternate the legs and repeat the movement on the other side
advantage: This exercise is a perfect stretch for your spine and hips. It helps to restore balance and posture.
#2 Marjalisana

This is commonly known as a cat/cow pose and is a simple and relaxed asana that beginners can easily play.
- Arrived on all four mats with the wrists and knees vertically aligned.
- Take a deep breath, exhale, drop your head and arch your back towards the ceiling.
- Now, when you suck, put your head back in and arch your back in the opposite direction until it is completely downward
- Continue this movement slowly for 2-3 minutes
advantage: This is a relaxing exercise, giving you a big stretch on your back and loosen it to provide instant, greater mobility. If done correctly, this yoga asana can also correct posture.
#3 Janu Sirsasana

Head to knee exercise is another pose suitable for all levels of practice.
- Fold one leg and sit on the mat
- The heel should touch your gro diameter
- Extend the other leg sideways
- Raise your arms over your head, exhale, lower yourself, bend your hips
- Bend until you can grab your feet with your hands
- Hold the 10 count position, inhale and slowly return to the starting position
- Switch to the other side and repeat
advantage: This exercise will relieve stiffness and stress, promote blood circulation in the abdomen, and increase spinal cord mobility.
#4 Adho Mukha Svanasana

A great exercise to help relieve your stiff back.
- Stand a little distance from your legs, slowly bend your hips until your palms are on the floor, reaching as straight as possible
- Keep your legs straight, place on your arms, chest and back to hold the dog’s peak or downward position several times
- Make sure your head is comfortable between your arms
- You should be able to see your feet correctly
advantage: You can also find your back loosen and feel mobile through the stretches caused by the hamstrings and calves.
#5 Danurasana

Bow poses are one of the medium difficulties that can be easily managed with a little practice.
- Lie down on your mat
- Keep your arms close to your body, bend your knees and try to hold your ankles with your hands
- While doing this, lift your chest and shoulders off the ground until you feel stretched but comfortable
- Keep your head straight and turn forward as you take a long, relaxed breath
- Holds a 10 count position and releases gently
advantage: Apart from strengthening some parts of the legs, this pose also helps to build mobility and flexibility in the back and spine.
#6 Anjaneyasana

This low charge is a simple yet effective pose that is perfect for beginners.
- Stand straight until one knee bends, bend forward, the other leg straight behind you
- Fold your hands and lift them up high above your head
- Now, straighten your back, neck and arms and gently push your hips to feel the stretch
- Keep 10 counts, release and repeat with alternate legs
advantage: Among the yoga of spine mobility asana, this is most effective in extending and releasing the spine, opening it for greater mobility.
#7 Upavistha Konasana

A rather simple asana that you can learn in a few practices, the front bends that sit on are very relaxed.
- Sit comfortably on the floor with your feet straight in front of you
- Now open your legs and stretch them as long as they allow
- Extend your arms over your head, bend at your waist, and lower your torso until your hands reach the floor in front of you
- Now let your hands crawl until they touch your feet
- Keep this position at 10 counts
advantage: This is the perfect asana for stretching your hips and spine.
#8 Salamba Bhujangasana

Sphinx poses are simple asanas that beginners and experts can perform equally.
- Lie on the stomach of your mat, keeping your body straight
- Slowly lift your chest and arms off the floor and use the elbows below the shoulders to support your upper body.
- Sink your legs and hips on the floor to make sure they are comfortable and not overstretched
- Hold the 10 count position and slowly lower it
advantage: This pose supports the natural curvature of the spine and releases the tension that has accumulated in the area.
#9 Setu Bandhasana

The bridge pose calms it by increasing blood flow in the brain and improving blood circulation.
- Lie flat parallel to the ground
- Try bending your legs with your knees
- Touch your heels with your hands and lift up the butts and tops of your body
- To maintain position, interlace your fingers and lift the butt part high
- Do not apply pressure to your chin, neck, or shoulders
advantage: This pose strengthens your back, buttocks and hamstrings.
#10 Sarvangasana

Shoulder stand poses can be categorized under mid-level yoga poses.
- A soft towel or cushion is placed under the neck and shoulders to support
- Place your head on the yoga mat with your shoulders lining the edge of the cushion
- Keep your body perfectly straight, and put your arms on the sides of your body with your palm facing the floor
- Lift your feet slowly while inhaling
- Exhale, place your feet parallel to the wall, and support your back with both hands
- The toes must point to the ceiling
- Balance your feet in the air and support your hips with palms and fingers
- Push your chin into your chest, keeping your neck in one position
- Exhale slowly to release the pose
advantage: This yoga asana can benefit people suffering from back pain as it helps strengthen the spine.
Spine mobility yoga is almost universal in its applicability and advantages. However, like all yoga exercises, it’s important to make yourself easier. Do not push your body beyond that threshold to increase the frequency and intensity of your training over time. Stop the moment when your body is giving up and experiencing discomfort and pain. If you have problems with breathing, heart function, back damage, or blood pressure, consult a certified yoga practitioner or your regular doctor before you begin.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Q. Why does spinal mobility decrease?
A. The decrease in spinal cord mobility is due to age, injury, stress or tension, lack of movement, lifestyle choices, or poor posture.
Q. What are the benefits of yoga for spinal mobility?
A. Simple asanas for spinal mobility can help you stretch the spine, slowly reduce tension, extend the spine, prevent or relieve stiffness, and restore posture and balance.
Q. Is yoga asana safe for spinal mobility?
A. Most yoga exercises are safe for everyone. However, caution is important. If you have an existing health condition, consult your instructor or doctor before you begin. If you feel any signs of discomfort or pain at any time, stop exercising immediately.