For all of you who want to master the art of stretching and finding your inner peace, there’s something here. You don’t have to be a passionate yogi to enjoy the benefits of doing yoga. All you need to do is include it in your daily routine. 12 of our certified yoga coaches will talk about their favorite yoga poses and how they benefit your body.
Read ahead and see if any of your favorite poses are mentioned below!
Abhilasha’s Pick -Camatkarasan (Wild)
This pose opens your entire body. It makes me feel very confident, strong and elegant. This pose is very liberating, my qualities thrive and bring out the best in me. Kamatokarasan has the ability to strengthen one’s internal mechanisms and is therefore baptized as the English word “wild thing.” According to me, accepting and strengthening your original self is the best form of yoga that you can practice.
The advantage this pose offers is that it utilizes the whole body. It cultivates willpower, confidence and independence in those who practice it. that Regularly.

Chaitanya’s Picks – Shirshasana’s Urdhva Padmasana (Headstand Variation)
My personal favorite, Shirshasana’s urdhva padmasana, is a pose that balances strength and flexibility. Entering this pose leaves you in mode of relaxation, but is totally vigilant and deserves effort and practice.
Shirshasana, the king of Asanas, strengthens the core while building the respiratory system. In addition to expanding vision, it also helps to cure and prevent eye and ear diseases. It also improves memory and concentration. Combined with this, Padamasana improves the mobility and flexibility of the hips and knees.

I love backbends. The backbend is a great mood elevator and keeps your spine supple. The horizontal and vertical planes of this pose are difficult to maintain, and we want to keep the glut area firmly and release enormous amounts of energy! This pose will lift your chest into the air, bringing your spine to the air, making your spine feel as bright as a feather!
If you are trying to correct your posture in terms of hanging your shoulders or bend over your back, this is the pose you should play. In all practice, USTRASANA does good things for your entire back.

Sridhar’s Pick – Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)
Vrikshasana helps you stand firm in times of change, as it symbolizes having more patience. Just as the tree grows from within, the journey to transformation of all souls takes place from within.
Vrikshasana helps to improve the balance and stability of your legs, and helps you achieve balance in other aspects of your life. As a result of its heavy nature, practicing this pose can help strengthen the bones of the hips and legs. Practising Vrikshasana also helps to build your confidence and respect, like an old tree that stands tall in a storm.

Shamley’s Picks – Purna Natraj Asana
Natarajasana, the master of dance, has been my favourite asana since she began her journey with yoga. This asana helps to improve backbend and concentration, making you feel good and refreshed. This pose requires little space and can be practiced anytime, anywhere. This means you will also perform this pose while traveling or trekking.
The benefits of this pose include strengthening your hips, legs, ankles and chest. It will help you to drop those unwanted pounds! You can practice this pose Also It helps improve posture, balance, digestive system and concentration. Therefore, when your body releases stress and your mind is calm, you will enter Zen mode.

Shambavi Rajni Picks – Padmasana
Padmasana among many different asanas in yoga is my favorite. Apart from simple and easy things to do, this doubles as a good workout and is suitable for your mind and breathing. It is also known to adjust the body and core while improving flexibility. This is a very simple asana and can be played by men and women of all ages.
This basic pose has many advantages, as listed below.
- Padmasana stores important fluids in the body and thus prevents abdominal diseases associated with the reproductive organs and distress in women.
- Practice this pose and bring your heart to a state of peace, loneliness and longevity.
- Padmasana also helps to develop a healthy appetite while relaxing the body.
- Because it is the foundation of all asanas, it strengthens the hips, eliminates the knee joints of female practitioners, and stretches the knees and ankles.
- Practice this pose To adjust your hips and thighs!

Cabana Picks – Danurasana
The more we grow, the more flexible we become. Danurasana or bow poses are symbols of the sacred weapons used by Lord Rama and Arjuna. The arrows hitting the target only depend on how carefully the bow is arched. Similarly, the more precise you are by performing this asana, the more flexible your body will become.
Performing this asana will keep your spine elastic while adjusting your abdomen. Open your chest, neck and shoulders while stretching out the muscles in your legs and arms. It also serves as a stress reliefer and helps improve your focus.

Sumeet’s Pick -Samakonasana
Great people have said in the past that “someone who dances well can walk easily,” but believes that “someone who can take this challenging pose can do all physical activities that are easy to involve rough exercise movements.”
Samakonasana is great when it comes to improving blood circulation to the abdomen and reproductive organs. It stretches the spine and straightens to improve posture, but also opens the muscles in the lower back and gro diameter.

Jitendra’s Picks – Ardha Chandrasana
Ardha Chandrasana is my personal favorite. I often practice this pose after a session at the gym. This helps to strengthen my whole body and stretches my neck, chest and thighs.
This will help the Licker to pose and strengthen the entire skeletal structure. It will release you respiratory illnesses, including colds and throat infections.

Dr. Helen’s Pick – Triconasana
This pose is at the top of my list. The reason is that You can run the location any time. The biggest advantage of this pose is that it is a great fat burner and is suitable for those suffering from back pain. The triangular pose also helps to enlarge the chest and shoulders.

Tanya’s Picks – Yoga Mudra Asana
After a stressful day at work, you will be able to fill up and refresh your energy as soon as you enter Yoga Mudra Asana. What makes this assana My favorite is the fact that just holding this position at a few breathing rates removes all my physical stress and agility while still keeping my mind very calm.
Yoga Mudra Asana is known as the best packed pill for perfect health and well-being. Its huge basket of benefits shows that it improves memory and spine flexibility while removing stress. It also has the ability to not only cure skin diseases, but also improve blood circulation and digestion.

Swapna’s Pick – Tiraaka Tadasana
This asana practice coupled with 1-2 glasses of warm water causes defecation. Regular practice helps to stretch your digestive system, but adjust both sides from the wrist to the waist in 4 rounds as you hold the pose for 15-20 seconds. This asana also helps to build posture muscles and improve the circulation of the spinal nerves.
I start my day with this stretch asana. Because it acts as a warm-up, opening the joints of the shoulders, arms and neck.

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