A solid list of reliable weight exercises is like a fitness goal insurance policy. You can find yourself miles from the gym where you can’t see the exercise equipment and only 15 minutes to spare still Make sure you have good training.
Seriously – What you really need to build muscle and maintain a healthy weight is your own body, a little floor space and willingness to work. At Bodi, many programs utilize weight exercises to enhance and enhance tone simply by bringing your body, Xtend Barre, Yoga52.
The next weight exercises drawn from these and other programs about Bodi collide with all major muscle groups and are suitable for beginners, experienced athletes and everyone in between.
Arm and shoulder exercise
Move your triceps into your delto with these arm and shoulder exercises.
1. Sealed triceps
- Sitting together on the floor, knees bent, soles of the feet planted on the floor. Place your hands a little behind your butt, then place your palms on the ground and your fingers in front of you.
- Stretch your elbows and lift your butt off the ground. This is the starting position.
- Keep your shoulders behind, lift your chest, push your elbows towards the rib, bend your elbows and lower your bottom towards the ground. Next, extend your arm and push it back to the starting position.
- Continue to stretch your elbows by bending and pulsing it quickly.
2. Crab Touch
- I sat on the floor with my knees bent and planted on the floor around my hip width. Place your hands slightly behind your hips, your palms on the ground, and your fingers pointing forward or slightly on the side.
- Stretch your elbows and lift your butt off the ground. This is the starting position.
- Extend your right leg towards the ceiling and tap the toe with your left hand.
- Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.
- Continue with alternating aspects.
3. Diamond push-ups
- Assume the position of the push-ups with your wrists directly below your shoulders and your body straight from your head to your heels.
- The tips of the thumb and index finger touch, moving your hands together so that their hands form a diamond shape. This is the starting position.
- Leave your elbows hidden and lower your torso as far as you can go until your chest lightly touches the back of your hands or without losing its proper shape. )
- Pause and then return to the starting position.
- Assume the position of the push-ups, with your wrists straight down directly below the shoulders and from your head to heels.
- Draw abdominal button with your abdomen facing the spine to squeeze the glutes and decorate the core.
- Bend your elbow slightly, lower your right forearm, lower your left forearm to the ground, and finish at the forearm plank position.
- Start on the right and return it to one arm of the higher board at once.
- Lift your right foot and pull your right knee towards your right elbow. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side with your left leg.
- Repeat the entire sequence. This time, you start by starting each movement on the left side (down from the planks on the forearm to the knees, then from the knee to the elbow).
- Each person in charge and the starting side alternates.
Chest and back exercises
These chest and back movements activate the pectoral muscles, latitude, erections, and more.
5. Chin up
- Grab the pull-up bar with an underhand grip slightly wider than the shoulder width and hang it over the length of your arm (a position known as a dead hang).
- Pull it up at least until your chin cleans the bar, straighten your back to form the core.
- Pause and then return to the dead hang.
6. push ups
- Start your legs together, straight from your head to your heels, straight to your shoulders, straight to your shoulders (but slightly wider) (but slightly wider). Squeeze the glut and decorate the core.
- Push your elbows to the sides, lower your head and lower your torso until your chest is within inches of the floor.
- Pause and then return to the starting position as soon as possible.
- If that’s too difficult, you can change it by placing your hands on a sturdy elevated surface, such as a step or bench.
7. Burpee
- He’s tall with his legs hip-width wide and his arms on your side.
- Push your hips back, bend your knees, squat down, and place both palms on the floor.
- Return your legs to the push-up position (with your arms straight, your legs straight, your core tight, your body directly from your head to your heels) and do the push-ups.
- You jump with your feet in your hand, then explode and jump into the air.
- You will land gently and immediately start the next person.
8. Superman Hold
- Reach your arms above your head, lower your face to the floor, and your legs to the back. This is the starting position.
- Line your spine and neck, lift your arms, chest and legs off the floor at the same time, squeeze the glut.
- Pause and then lower your hips to the starting position.
9. Pilates Swimming
- Reach your arms above your head, lower your face to the floor, and your legs to the back.
- Lift your arms, chest and legs off the floor. Line your spine and neck, and squeeze the glut part at the top.
- Lift your arms, chest and legs, pulsate your arms and legs up and down, and pulsate your right/left leg and left arm/right leg alternately.
- Continue alternately for time or person in charge.
Core exercises
Target abs and obliques with these core movements.
10. Single Leg Body Lock
- Sit on the floor with one leg stretched and the other knee bent, and the legs lay flat on the ground.
- Face your arms straight and your palms facing forward. This is the starting position.
- Hold this position and use the core muscles to roll onto your back and immediately return to your starting position.
11. Scissor kick
- Lie on your back straight, your elbows bend, and your fingertips lightly touch your head behind your head.
- Bit your core, straighten your legs, press your hips against the floor, lift both your legs, and start lowering them with alternating “scissors” movements.
- Alternate legs for the person in charge or time.
12. Boat pose (V-SIT HOLD)
- Sit your feet together on the floor, bend your knees and place your feet on the ground. Place your hands slightly behind the ground, with your fingers in front of you, or your arms straight in front of you, with your palm facing up.
- Keep your shoulders behind, lift your chest, slightly back, lift your feet off the ground, straighten your legs, and try to balance them in a V-shaped position. (If you need to change it, you can bend your knees slightly.)
- Holds the specified time.
13. Side Plank Twist
- Assuming the position of the side plank, stagger your left forearm onto the floor (right left foot on the front), the fingertips of your right hand lightly touch your head behind your right ear (with your elbows facing towards the ceiling), and touch directly from your head to your heel. This is the starting position.
- Straighten your body and suck in the core, curl your right elbow towards your left hand, then return to the starting position.
- Run all the reps, switch sides and repeat.
Groot exercises
Move your back with these killer groot weight movements.
14. GluteBridge
- Lie on your back with your knees bent, your legs flat, close to your bottom, with your arms at your sides. This is the starting position.
- Enchant the core, squeeze the glut while lifting your hips until they are straight to your shoulders.
- Pause, then reverse the movement and return to the starting position.
15. Donkey Kick
- Get your hands and knees directly below your hips and directly below your hips. Flat your back and line your neck with your spine. This is the starting position
- Keep your arms straight, wrap around the core, bend your knees 90 degrees, raise your left knee and push the sole of your left foot towards the ceiling to give the right glute an extra aperture on the top of the movement.
- Reverse the movement and return to the starting position.
- Run all the reps, switch legs, and repeat.
16. Second folding position
- It is wider than it is away from the feet, with its toes facing outwards. Holds the back of a chair or another sturdy construction for balance. This is the starting position.
- Flat your back and wrap around your core, bend your knees and lower your hips as low as possible, tracking your knees down the middle of your heels and toes.
- Straighten your legs and return to the starting position and squeeze the glut section.
Leg exercises
These leg exercises activate the muscles of your quads, hamstrings and calf.
17. Reverse lunge double punch
- Spread your legs wider at your waist and your hands stand at you. Make a fist with your hands, place it next to your hips, and place it on top of your palm. This is the starting position.
- Raise your chest, flatten it, put your shoulders back on your back, the cores engage and extend your arms forward with double punches, making a big step back with your right foot.
- Lower your body until your left thigh is parallel to the floor. You should bend your knee about 90 degrees and your right knee hover a few inches above the ground.
- Pause, then press your back to return to the starting position.
- Run all the reps and then, again, this time retreat with your left leg.
18. Side lunges
- Spread your legs hip-width and your arms turn away at your side. This is the starting position.
- It captivates the core and takes a big step to the right with your right foot without moving your left foot.
- Push your hips backwards, bend your right knee, and lower yourself until your right thigh is parallel to the floor.
- Pause, then reverse the movement and return to the starting position.
- Again, this time I’ll be using my left leg to the left.
- Continue with each person in charge.
19. Squat jump
- Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and turn your back.
- Raise your chest, bite your core, flatten it, push your hips back, and lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
- It explosively pushes up and jumps straight down.
- He lands gently and immediately lowers himself to the next person in charge.
20. Monkey Walk
- Holding your hands on either side of you, your feet are slightly wider than shoulder width, and your toes are facing forward.
- Keep your back flat and at the core, push your hips backwards, bend your knees, lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor, bend your elbows and place your hands in front of your chest.
- Take 4 steps forward, 4 steps back, and pulse slightly up and down at each step, but keep it low so you feel burned with the quad.
- I will continue walking back and forth for a while.