If you’re tired of repeating the same AB circuit over and over, standing AB exercises can help you confuse your training. “They add diversity to your training and are a great way to stop your abdominal routine from getting old,” says a certified Pilates instructor. Nicole de Souza.
The novelty of these exercises can not only make your workout more enjoyable, but it can also stimulate the core muscles more effectively.
However, if you want to truly make upright AB tasks work better, use the term “core engagement.” If you try to stand up an AB exercise without feeling that they are actually working your abs, De Souza has some clues to make sure you’re digging into your core for a good burn.
“First and foremost, you need to connect to the deep core abdominal abdomen by gently pulling the abdominal button towards the spine, breathing throughout, and making sure all movements are performed slowly and controlled,” she says.
Bodi offers many ways to get killer AB workouts at home, but try adding these standing AB exercises to your core keysel routine.
1. Standing Twist
- Extend your legs hip-width, bend your knees slightly, and hold appropriately weighted dumbbells in each hand.
- Stretch your arms forward along your chest.
- Twist the torso to one side and pull the abdominal button towards the spine to wrap around the core. Keep your hips positive towards the entire movement.
- Slowly return to the center, engulfing your abs and controlling your movements.
- Repeat on the other side.
Trainer tips: Try performing a slow twist of 10-15 on each side to actually work at an angle.
2. Standing Wood Chop
- Extend your legs hip-width, bend your knees slightly, and hold appropriately weighted dumbbells in each hand.
- Slowly lift the weight diagonally above your head, twist it to the right, and swivel your left foot.
- Twist to the left (as if you were chopping a tree) slowly lower your weight. Come to the squat position and hold the dumbbell on the outside of your left leg.
Trainer tips: The focus is not on relying on momentum, but on initiating and controlling this movement in the abdomen, explains De Souza. She suggests doing 10 reps on each side.
- Secure the resistance band to sturdy objects at the height of the navy.
- Spread your legs hip-width, standing next to the anchor point, bend your knees slightly. (The band should be at sternum height.)
- Hold the resistance band handle against the sternum with both hands. There should be no slack in the band – there should be tension.
- Push the core against you and push the handle straight out in front of the torso, preventing your body from bending to one side.
- Once your arms are fully extended, pause and then slowly reverse your movement to begin.
Trainer tips: Stabilize the trunk (do not twist) to get the full benefits of this standing core exercise.
4. Power knee
- Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
- When you bend your left knee to your left knee, step straight backwards and your weight is fixed to your left foot.
- Hinge forward with your hips and extend your arms over your head. (There should be a straight line from your arms to your back to your toes.)
- Squeeze your abdomen, squeeze your right knee towards your chest, and squeeze your arms towards your chest.
- Change your floor legs and repeat the movement as quickly as possible.
Trainer tips: This move gives you calorie burning aerobic exercise, but don’t rely on momentum. Instead, I want to do controlled movements with the AB muscles and hip flexors involved. Run 20 reps on one foot and switch sides.
5. Inverse triangle
- Stand with your feet wider than shoulder width, with your left toe facing forward and your right toe sideways.
- As you tilt your body towards your left leg, reach your right arm above your head.
- Slide your left hand to your left leg. Enchant the core and lower your shoulders.
- You can place the left arm on your left arm slightly bend to help with stability.
- Use your abs to return it to the center, tilting towards the right will reach your left arm above your head, and as you proceed to stretch, slide your right leg into your right hand. It’s one person in charge.
Trainer tips: The key to this exercise is moving in fluidity, says De Souza. Make sure to feel your whole side working to pull you to the left and right. Shoot 10-15 reps on each side.
6. Single Leg Balance Arm Circle
- Keep your feet hip-width apart and turn away.
- Absorbs the abdominal muscles, bend one knee and lift it up to hip height.
- Keep both hips at a level while stretching your arms to the sides.
- Using your arms, track small circles two or three times on the front and sides to challenge balance and stability.
- Return your feet to the floor and repeat with the other foot.
Trainer tips: De Souza said the task of this exercise is to avoid shaking or tilting the upper body. It focuses on maintaining overall body balance, alignment and adjustment. You’ll try to alternate the legs and try to do 5-10 repetitions on each side.
7. The eccentric jack
- Spread your legs wider at your hips and slightly bend your knees.
- Lift your arms to the side and bend your elbows at 90 degrees, with the tip of your finger pointing to the ceiling.
- Raise your right knee and lift it up explosively, just as if you were about to touch your right elbow.
- Return your right foot to the floor.
- Repeat with your left leg.
- Make sure you flow smoothly between your legs and control them to flow.
Trainer tips: This is a great exercise to target oblique rather than the most commonly used AB muscles: the abdominal abdomen. Pulling up each knee will entangle the core and immediately feel the entire trunk brighten. We aim to be a total of 20-30 person in charge.
8. Snowboarder
- Scatter your feet shoulder-width and slightly bend your knees.
- Bend your knees and push your hips back halfway into the squat position.
- Raise your arms to the side and turn your head to the right.
- Keep your feet at the same distance, maintaining 180 degrees of hops and spin, and the feet switch to position.
- Hop in the opposite direction and return your foot to the starting position.
- Keep your gaze in the same direction for the entire exercise.
Trainer tips: You will move your legs and get the momentum you need for hops and spin, but your abs will get trained as your trunk is locked in place. Repeat 10-15 hops in each direction.
9. Standing band rotation
- Secure the resistance band to sturdy objects at the height of the navy.
- Spread your legs hip-width, standing next to the anchor point, bend your knees slightly.
- Hold the handle with both hands, arms fully extending in front of your chest, spinning your torso towards the station.
- Decorating the core, rotating the torso, heading away from the station, but his arms still extending in front of his chest.
- Pause, then slowly reverse the movement and return to the start.