Protein is essential during pregnancy to support the health of your mother and baby. But is it safe to consume protein powder during pregnancy?
If you are pregnant, you need to pay special attention to your diet. From drinking milk to eating nutritious foods, you must have it all for the health of you and your little one. There are many important nutrients needed for proper functioning of your body. One of them is protein, which is important for muscle building and overall health. You can also add supplements to your milk or smoothie glasses for an extra boost of protein. But is it really safe to have protein powders during pregnancy? Yes, there are benefits, but don’t forget that it doesn’t go beyond that.
What are the benefits of taking protein powders during pregnancy?
We all need to consume a certain amount of protein every day. Pregnant women need to have about 70 to 100 grams of this nutrient per day, according to a study published in the Journal Advances, published in the 2016 nutritional journal. Popular nutrient sources, usually derived from animal and plant sources, provide a source of concentrated protein,” says Dr. Arna Kumari, obstetrician and gynecologist.

Here are some things that may help moms expect:
1. It may support the growth of the fetus
It can have animal-based protein powders like whey protein, or casein proteins derived from milk. “If you’re a vegetarian, you can consume soy protein, and brown rice protein,” says the expert. However, according to the World Health Organization, it could potentially reduce fetal growth, improve fetal growth, and potentially reduce the risk of babies with low stillbirths.
2. Helps maintain maternal muscle mass
“Using protein powders during pregnancy can help prevent muscle loss, especially if your appetite is reduced,” says Dr. Kumari. Taking supplements while predicting can help you manage your weight by stabilizing your metabolism.
3. Reduce pregnancy fatigue
Consuming protein powder during pregnancy can reduce fatigue by providing sustained energy throughout the day. “It also helps prevent hypotension and dizziness, which can occur due to protein deficiency,” says an expert.
4. Help women who experience morning illness
Light protein shakes may be easier to consume than solid protein sources. “It helps prevent nausea and balance nutrients, especially if you don’t have much appetite,” says Dr. Kumari.
5. Supports healthy weight gain
Consuming protein powders during pregnancy helps in healthy and stable weight gain without excessive fat accumulation. “It can prevent sudden cravings by keeping you full for a longer period of time, says experts. Experts say.
The best time to take protein powder during pregnancy
This supplement can be taken at any stage of pregnancy. “But if you can meet your protein needs through whole foods such as eggs, dairy products, nuts and legumes, you may not need protein powders during pregnancy,” says the expert.
- Early pregnancy: If you experience morning illness and have trouble eating protein-rich foods, a light protein shake can help.
- Late pregnancy: As the fetus’ growth accelerates, more protein is required for brain, muscles and organ development. “If your diet is insufficient, it’s an ideal time to start incorporating protein powders,” says experts.
- Third Period: Baby growth has peaked by this time, and maximum protein is required for tissue and organ maturation.
How to make protein powder?
You can make protein powder at home with just a few ingredients. This is an easy recipe.
- Almonds: ½ cup
- Walnut: ½ cup
- Flaxseed: ¼ cup
- Pumpkin seeds: ¼ cup
- Sunflower seeds: ¼ cup
- Rolled Oats: ½ cup
- Dry Ginger Powder: 1 tsp
- Dry roast each ingredient individually over low heat, removing the inger powder until lightly golden and aromatic. Let it cool.
- Using a high-speed blender or food processor, grind all roasted ingredients into fine flour.
- Sieve the mixture to remove any coarse bits for a smooth texture.
- Add dry ginger powder and mix well.
“You can put this homemade protein powder scoop in warm milk or smoothies, or add it to oatmeal, porridge or yogurt,” the expert says.

What are the side effects of taking protein powders during pregnancy?
In general, it is safe to consume protein powders during pregnancy, but there may be side effects.
- Many protein powders contain artificial sweeteners like sucralose, and aspartame, which can cause bloating and gas. “They can also lead to constipation and stomach cramps,” experts say.
- These supplements have a little added sugar, but a lot of sugar added. “While avoiding excess sugar as it can lead to gestational diabetes,” experts say.
- Supplements containing excess protein can be harmful to your baby. An analysis published in Food & Nutrition Research in 2013 shows that excessive consumption of protein supplements by pregnant women can impair fetal growth.
- Especially if you are taking prenatal vitamins that contain vitamin A, choose supplements using vitamin A and protein.
- These supplements contain dairy products (whey, casein) or soybeans that can cause allergies, especially if the mother is lactose intolerance or susceptible to soybeans.
Consuming protein powders during pregnancy is a convenient way to meet your protein needs. However, make sure to choose wisely and consume moderately. Also, check with your doctor before taking any dietary supplements while you are hoping.
Related FAQs
Can I take a protein shake every day while pregnant?
Yes, you can take a protein shake every day while pregnant, but have it if you don’t meet your protein needs through whole foods. Your shaking should not contain artificial sweeteners, excess sugar, or unverified additives. One serving per day is sufficient for pregnant women unless advised specifically by your doctor.
What is the best protein source for pregnancy?
During pregnancy, protein is essential for your baby’s growth, muscle development, and overall health. You can consume eggs, lean chicken, low-mercury fish, milk, lentils and yogurt to increase protein.