Pregnancy comes with a laundry list for side effects. From swollen calves Swollen nosepregnant women transform in several physical ways. However, pregnancy can also cause internal changes, and these changes can affect the brain.
Don’t worry, pregnancy will not permanently damage or confuse anything in your skull, Everything is common in forgetfulness, vagueness, or fog, and is a phenomenon known as the “pregnant brain.”
Forgot your keys, call moms, or make an appointment can all be part of your pregnancy brain. And it’s easy to get frustrated about your lack of awakening, especially when others feel different too.
There is not much scientific research to support the brain of pregnancy, but anecdotal explanations from women prove that it is real. According to a 2014 survey, Journal of Clinical and Exertilemental Neuropsychology, Researchers found that pregnant women reported amnesia. However, when I scanned my brains on non-pregnant women, their brains looked the same.
Another 2014 survey has been published Brain and cognition I found it Later-pregnant women scored much lower than non-pregnant women on tests examining spatial relationships between different objects.
So is the pregnant brain something that can be bothered or avoided? We enter science about this common side effect of carrying your child.
What are the symptoms of the pregnancy brain?
Also known as the “mama’s brain,” the pregnant brain can be slightly or very pronounced depending on the person.
Symptoms of the pregnancy brain include:
- A spiritual mist
- Memory issues
- Forgotten things
- Clumsy
- It’s difficult to remember names and words
- Fantasy
- It’s difficult to complete tasks
- It’s difficult to engage in conversation
The length of these symptoms varies for everyone Some women can experience a pregnant brain in the first year after giving birth.
What causes the pregnancy brain?
Focusing on everyday tasks can suddenly become complicated when you are pregnant. In fact, the pregnancy brain can begin as early as possible Early pregnancy Due to the influx of hormones in the body. Some women claim that it is the first symptom they experience.
Early pregnancy has the worst side effects of most pregnancy, so it makes sense why the pregnant brain is on the list. During the first pregnancy, mothers usually develop insomnia, which can contribute to brain fog.
During this time, many pregnant women experience heartburn, leg cramps, or morning illness, which contributes to all forgetting. Furthermore, these symptoms can cause someone to stop sleeping and increase pure fatigue.
If you don’t get enough sleep, neurons can become overworked and affect your memory. Furthermore, lack of sleep impairs hippocampal connectivity When you learn new things, Remember the appointment of that doctor and where to put your wallet.
Another component of the pregnant brain is hormone fluctuations during pregnancy. Pregnant people don’t start to feel like they are again until the age of six months after birth. In other words, there is a possibility that a pregnancy brain will still exist after giving birth.
Some researchers believe that a sudden surge in progesterone and estrogen can reveal problems in memory and thinking.
Furthermore, pregnancy is new and stressful. You may not be prepared or overwhelmed. It’s okay if you feel scared. I feel anxious And when you are immersed in your mind, it will be difficult to concentrate on what is right in front of you.
Another reason for the pregnancy brain, according to a 2016 survey published in Natural Neurosciencethe actual physical changes in the brain. Researchers looked at brain scans in pregnant women and found that they experienced a decrease in gray matter in areas related to social cognition.
This study reported that it is related to the brain of pregnant women preparing for birth and connection with the child. Researchers followed up with mothers after giving birth and found that this change can take up to two years to return to normal.
Can you cure the brain of pregnancy?
The pregnancy brain is what comes in your belly with your new baby, but if you’re irritated by the feeling of mist, there are a few remedies to try.
First thing: sleep. Whether or not you experience the brain of pregnancy, all pregnant women need to make sure they are fully closed.
If you really can’t sleep, do it Practice breathing exercisesI will be participating in lYoga For relaxation and to put yourself in a peaceful environment.
Another method involves a Nutritious diet. The craving of pregnancy can make the most of us and sometimes feel impossible to fight, but try adding a few items to your daily diet to improve brain health. Foods with high antioxidants vitamin Includes salmon, blueberries, eggs and spinach.
Also, you should check Drink enough water all day long. Even a little dehydration can affect the memory and cognition of non-pregnant people.
So, there is no brain treatment for pregnancy, but there are lifestyle factors that will help you ease yours from your annoyance.
In terms of passing through the days, try this:
- Setting a reminder or alarm on your phone will help you remember important tasks.
- I’ll buy a calendar
- Get fresh air
- exercise
- I’ll meditate
- I’ll do a puzzle
In particular, don’t be difficult for yourself. Your body is changing rapidly in ways that it has never experienced before. Give yourself grace and patience and write it down where you put your keys.