Menstruation can bring about all kinds of ups and downs, pain and pain, questions and concerns. Pregnancy and birth (if you experience them) can be part of the most transformative periods that a person can experience, let alone the changes that occur in your body.
Then, at the end of the reproductive road, there is menopause. Menopause is when a woman reaches 12 months without a period of time. There are many questions to ask about embarking on this new journey. So, I’m here to answer some of the most common questions about menopause.
Q: What causes menopause?
The exact cause of menopause is not fully understood, but this natural biological process is caused primarily by a reduced production of estrogen, progesterone.
Anyone who has menstruation experiences menopause at some point in their lives, but some experience it faster than others. In some cases, surgery can cause menopause, such as hysterectomy (uterine removal) or surgical removal of the ovaries.
Having type 1, there are certain underlying conditions and lifestyle factors that allow you to start menopause earlier, like smoking a cigarette Diabeteshas undergone chemotherapy and has a family history of early menopause.
Q: What are the most common symptoms of menopause?
Some people don’t have symptoms during menopause, while others don’t care about their symptoms. Many people feel relieved about it, especially when dealing with painful periods.
For those experiencing menopause symptoms, these are some of the most common.
- Hot hot
- Irritated and feeling
- depression
- Difficulties in sleep and insomnia
- Dry vaginal
- Low Livid
- Changes in periods or irregular periods
- Pain during sex
Q: How do you deal with menopause symptoms?
For those who find menopause symptoms uncomfortable, there are steps you can take to deal with them. One of the most common ways to deal with symptoms of menopause is Hormonal replacement therapyHRT, usually uses estrogen, but also progesterone. SSRI, a certain antidepressant, can also be useful in some cases.
HRT will never start your period again, but it will help you deal with symptoms associated with menopause. If you don’t want to go to the hormone route, you can try it Natural Hack It’s like getting acupuncture, exercising, or trying to keep it on a regular sleep schedule.
Q: How can I know if HRT for menopause is suitable for me?
Hormonal replacement therapy is extremely beneficial for many people during menopause, but it is not for everyone. Your decision about using hormones depends on the severity of your symptoms, the risk of heart disease and breast cancer, the duration of your HRT, and whether your potential benefits outweigh the risk.
If you are interested in HRT, be sure to talk to a healthcare provider who will help you make more informed decisions.
Q: How do I know when I reach menopause?
The stages of menopause can be confusing. Menopause is marked 12 months after the last period of menstruality, but then it is in the perimenopause period. It is considered postmenopausal after 12 months.
Perimenopause periods average for seven years, but for some people, if they are 14 years, they usually start between the ages of 45 and 55.
Q: What is Hotteri?
Hot springs may feel slightly different to everyone, but most people describe them as short sensations of heat passing through the body. Some people experience chills followed by washing and sweating.
The intensity and frequency of hot flashes vary from person to person. Most often, hot flashes stop after reaching menopause, but some people continue to experience them throughout the rest of their lives, but usually the severity decreases.
Q: Can I get pregnant after menopause?
It is very rare for someone to become pregnant naturally after 12 months, but that is possible. It is also possible to get pregnant during the menopause cycle. This is especially true because knowing when you ovulate when the period is irregular can be difficult.
Those who have reached menopause can still carry their baby IVF. Their eggs are no longer viable, but you can use eggs frozen at younger ages or donor eggs.
Q: How does menopause affect your sex life?
A significant portion of people in menopause also pays attention to reducing their sexual desire. Menopause can make sex even more difficult thanks to dry vaginas and painful intercourse in some people.
Don’t let this be discouraged. Many people still have an incredible sex life after menopause, with or without hormones. use Lubricating oil It’s a great way to help make sex more enjoyable. Remember, you probably won’t get pregnant, but you still need to take steps to prevent the spread of Stis.
Q: How does your body change after menopause?
In addition to what is clear, there are many other changes that occur in the body inside Postmenopausal. Much of this is due to hormonal changes.
Here are some ways in which the body can change due to menopause:
- Metabolism changes. This means that the way your body uses energy changes.
- It’s easier to gain weight.
- Decreased bone health and increased risk of osteoporosis
- Increased risk of stroke and heart attacks as well as cardiovascular disease.
- Mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.
Postmenopausal life
Whether you’re just beginning your menopause journey or reaching the other side, everyone has their own experience. It’s completely normal to not experience any symptoms, but if that’s the case, there’s support available.
For further questions, you can refer to the healthcare provider. It remains important to go to a regular gynecological appointment for PAP smears and mammograms. Welcome to Club Menopause!