If you’re bored of crunches and have already experimented with every plank variation you can imagine, try switching between AB exercises with a flutter kick, also known as butterfly kick. As effective as leg lifts, flutter kicks offer a more dynamic (and even more fun) alternative to typical AB exercises.
And if it’s the defined midsection you want, flutter kicks close out your existing AB task by targeting muscles that are different from other common core exercises.
Flutter Kick: Step-by-Step Instructions
Performing flutter kicks with the right form will help protect your neck and hips from injuries while gaining the benefits of core strengthening of AB exercises.
To perform a flutter kick with the appropriate form, like the above clip in Liift:
- Straighten your legs, place your arms on the sides or under your tailbone.
- Enter the core, push your head, shoulders and back onto the floor, and lift your legs about 12 inches.
- Keep both feet straight as they alternately lift them with flapping movements.
- Complete the same number of reps on each leg.
How to make flutter kicks easier
- Fly your feet high up from the ground.
- Perform a back toe tap:
- Lie down on your back with your feet lifted and your knees bent, forming a 90-degree angle (shins parallel to the floor).
- With your knees bent, slowly lower one foot until your heels cover the floor. Make sure the core is involved and make sure the other legs stay in place in the air.
- Slowly return the lowered leg to its starting position and repeat with the other leg.
How to make flutter kicks stronger
One or more of these reinforcing agents can be implemented in the flutter kick to make them more challenging.
- Raise your head and shoulders slightly off the ground and further engulf your abdomen.
- Cover your feet faster while maintaining control.
- Extend your arms straight and perform the exercise in a hollow body position.
The advantages of flutter kicks
1. Improve your posture
Like other AB exercises such as leg lifting, planks, bird dogs, and leg lifts, flutter kicks target the core muscles. Strong core muscles are essential for your overall health as they help stabilize the spine and pelvis, thus supporting proper posture and preventing leaning, slump and round shoulders that can lead to chronic health issues such as back pain.
2. Injury prevention
“Proximal stability equals distal mobility” is a general modestness in the field of physical therapy and the doctrine of human movement. Essentially, the stronger and more stable your core is, the better mobility you have in your body’s limbs.
A weak core can lead to insufficient mobility and dysfunction in the arms, shoulders and legs, leading to injury. Incorporating flutter kicks and other core exercises into your fitness regimen will help you stay moving effectively and avoid injuries.
3. Defined AB
Certainly, proper posture and injury prevention are important, but what can a butterfly kick do for your physique? When paired with other AB exercises like Plank and Crunches, Trevor Thieme, CSCS says
“Movement that targets the abdominal abdominal area involves the whole muscle, but most people take a top-down approach to work, focusing their efforts on crunching and abdominal exercise,” he says. “That’s why The Flutter Kick is such a valuable addition to any exercise Arsenal. It offers a new challenge to abs that will help you build the six pack faster.”
4. Calories burning aerobic exercise
The dynamic nature of the flutter kick makes it an ideal addition to aerobic exercise. Flutter kicks fire your muscles, but they also increase your heart rate. Try mixing a 30-60-second flutter kick into your next HIIT workout.