Walking to lose weight has been upgraded. Check out how interval walking helps you get back to shape.
Walking anytime in the morning or evening has many health benefits. One particularly attractive advantage is weight loss. Walking burns calories and promotes healthy metabolism. However, when it comes to walking to lose weight, a simple walk may not be enough. That’s where the interval walking begins. It’s an easy and effective way to enhance your weight loss efforts. Interval walking involves alternating high- and medium-strength walking. This strategy burns more calories than steady-state walking while improving cardiovascular fitness and stamina. Find out the benefits of walking intervals for weight loss and how to flush the extra kilos according to this approach.
What is interval walking?
The interval walking program for weight loss is very similar to other walking programs for weight loss, but only uses fast walking for short periods that help burn fat. Each break is timed to prevent you from wear down. As seen in the study published in the Journal Applied Physiology Nutrition, each quick walking burst involves a short recovery period, allowing you to collect and recover. Interval walking is one of the most effective ways to enhance fitness, burn calories and move into a jogging or running program. Why not try interval walking to lose weight? See how to do this below!

Interval walking for weight loss: How does it help?
Walking intervals is a great way to increase your weight loss efforts. Here’s how it helps:
1. Burn more calories
Walking to lose weight can be greatly enhanced through interval training. Alternating high- and medium-strength walking challenges your body in ways that prevent steady-state walking. Alternating high- and medium-strength walking challenges your body in ways that prevent steady-state walking. This dynamic strategy raises your heart rate during a challenging period, using more energy and burning more calories, as seen in a study published in the UK Journal of Sports Medicine. Consider running your engine: the higher the speed (strength), the more fuel (calories) you burn. This high calorie spending throughout your workout is beneficial to your overall weight loss goals.
2. Increases metabolism
Walking to lose weight will greatly improve from the metabolic effects of interval training. A burst of high-intensity activity during walking acts like a metabolic switch and raises the body’s calorie burning engine. This isn’t just about workout-related effects. True magic happens later. “Interval walking helps you increase your metabolism for a few hours after workout and burn higher levels of calories even at rest,” says fitness expert Mahesh Ghanekar. This “afterbahn effect” greatly supports weight loss efforts and spares them in a more efficient way than steady-state walking.
3. Improve cardiovascular health
Walking to lose weight will greatly improve your cardiovascular fitness, and walking intervals will further enhance your benefits. “By putting high intensity into your regimen, you are effectively giving your heart and lungs to intense exercise,” the expert explains. This additional demand improves the cardiovascular system, allowing the heart to pump blood more efficiently and increase overall endurance. A stronger cardiovascular system means a healthier body, with better circulation and less chance of heart disease.

How to walk to lose weight?
Walking intervals is a great way to increase your weight loss efforts. Here’s how to get started:
- Start with an active 5-10 minute walk to warm up your muscles and prepare your body for workout.
- An alternative to high and medium-strength walking. Walk as fast as possible, such as 30 seconds or 1 minute. You should breathe hard and feel your heart rate rise. Walk at a comfortable pace for a set period, such as 1-2 minutes. This allows you to inhale and recover before the next high intensity interval.
- Repeat high and medium strength intervals for a set number of times, such as 20-30 minutes.
- Finish with a 5-10 minute cooldown walk at a moderate pace, gradually lowering your heart rate and preventing muscle pain.
Interval walking tips
If you’re looking for a way to include this walking style in your daily routine, here’s how to ace it.
- If you’re new to interval walking, start with a shorter interval and gradually increase the duration and intensity as you become a fitter.
- Pay attention to your body and take breaks when needed. Don’t push yourself too hard, especially when you’re just starting out.
- Choose a safe and comfortable place, such as a park, trail, or treadmill.
- Track your training and progress, stay motivated and see how far you have come.
- Interval walking doesn’t have to be boring. Listen to music, walk with friends, explore new routes and make things interesting.
You can try interval walking for weight loss, but make sure you put a consistent effort and incorporate it into a well-planned routine. In this way, it is a great way to flush the extra kilo and improve your overall well-being.
Related FAQs
Do I need to do interval walking to lose weight?
A good starting point is 3-4 times a week with breaks in between. As fitness improves, you can gradually increase the frequency and duration of your training. Listen to your body and don’t overdo it, especially when you start.
How long should my interval walking workout be?
Aim for a 20-30 minute walk per session. This does not include warm-ups or cool-downs. This should add 5-10 minutes each.