A five-,000-year-old repository of Indian knowledge and know-how, yoga is more than twisting, spinning, stretching and breathing exercises. It’s a way of life. This ancient art that strengthens the body and relaxes the mind is also the best way to stop daily illnesses and illnesses.
At any time of the day or year, our bodies are vulnerable to infection by numerous viruses and bacteria. They lead to bad cases of flow nose, hacking cough, stomach infections and influenza.
While proper hygiene and healthy eating habits are useful to some extent, yoga actually helps fight infections with the body and strengthens the overall immune system. I’ll tell you why:
Helps to naturally lower stress levels
People who are under stress are more likely to catch colds and fevers when the virus enters the nose passages.
Stress also appears to exacerbate or lift the risk of conditions such as depression, gastrointestinal problems, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer’s disease, and asthma.
Yoga helps lower stress hormones and calms the nervous system associated with the immune system.
Gets the respiratory system back on track
Colds and similar infections are caused by bacteria that affect the upper respiratory tract system. If the immune system is not strong enough to throw them away, the bacteria can penetrate the lungs, leading to bronchitis or pneumonia.
Yoga is one of the main tools for maintaining respiratory health. Regular breathing exercise and asanas are conditioned on the respiratory system and increase lung efficiency.
Ensure optimal function of all organs
Desk work and sedentary lifestyle means that our organs do not get enough blood flow, leading to clogging and accumulation of toxins. Over time, this can lead to breakdowns in the body system.
Regular yoga stimulates the lymphatic system to remove toxins from the body.
Various asanas ensure that different organs and glands receive fresh blood, are gently massaged and stimulated. An increased oxygenated blood supply to the organs ensures optimal function.
Makes muscles and joints work well
No matter what your age, it seems like it’s not a differentiation between joint and muscle pain lately. A weak bone structure, lack of exercise, and a lack of essential nutrients in your diet can make the situation worse.
Yoga helps to stabilize muscles and eliminate pain by lubricating joints with synovial fluid and strengthening exercise.
Are you interested in strengthening your immune system by practicing yoga? Click here to download the app and join our live sessions for free! Try these yoga poses to stimulate and enhance your immune system, nervous system, digestive system, circulation and endocrine system.

This asana is named after the shape the body takes when taking this pose – it is a bow.
- Lie on your stomach, with your arms on the width of your legs and the sides of your body.
- Fold your knees and hold your ankles with your hands behind you.
- Breathe, lift your chest off the ground, lift your legs and pull back.
- Look straight, smile on your face and stabilize your pose.
- The body must be curved and taut like a bow. Relax and take a deep breath and take care of your breath. It bends to your comfort.
- After 20 seconds, exhale and gently bring your feet and chest to the ground. Release your ankles and relax.

Also known as a child’s pose, this RESTFUL pose can be sequenced between more challenging poses.
- Sit on your heels together or apart on your knees.
- Slowly exhale, bend forward, lower your forehead and touch the floor.
- Keep your arms along your upper body with your palm facing upwards.
- Alternatively, extend your arms towards the front of the mat. The palms point on the mat.
- If your legs are apart, gently press your chest above or between your thighs.
- Hold for 45 seconds to 1 minute.
- When inhaling, pull your belly button towards your spine. Exhale and soften your body and arms.

Cobra poses, or budangasana, resemble snakes with their hoods raised. It is part of the Padma Sadana and Surya Namaskar’s posture sequence.
- Lie on your stomach, your toes flatten to the floor and your forehead rests on the ground.
- Lightly touch your feet and heels to keep your feet close.
- Place your palms below your shoulders and keep your elbows parallel and close to your torso.
- Take a deep breath and slowly lift your head, chest and abdomen. Place your belly button on the floor.
- Use your hands to pull the torso off the floor.
- Make your back as arched as possible, bend your spine and straighten your arms.
- Tilt your head back and look up, but don’t overstretch. Your feet should be nearby.
- Exhale and gently return it back towards the abdomen, chest and floor.

This yoga pose draws its name from Plow, a popular agricultural tool commonly used in Indian agriculture.
- Lie on your back, your arms lie down next to you, palms down.
- When inhaling, use your abdominal muscles to lift your feet off the floor and raise your feet vertically at a 90-degree angle.
- Continue breathing normally. Support your hips, support your back with your hands, and lift it off the ground.
- Clean your feet at a 180-degree angle above your head until your toes touch the floor.
- The back must be perpendicular to the floor.
- Hold the pose and relax your body with every breath.
- After about a minute, gently lower your legs while exhale.
uddiyan bandha

This asana includes movement of the stomach muscles, especially the diaphragm.
- Stand straight and keep your feet at a distance of 1-1.5 feet.
- Bend your knees a little. Place your left palm on your left knee and your right palm on your right knee.
- Bend your shoulders and neck forward so that your body weight moves your hands to your knees.
- This reduces stomach strain and relaxes the muscles.
- Inhale deeply and slowly exhale.
- As you exhale, try shifting the stomach muscles inwards.
- Lift the rib bone and gently push the muscles from top to top. If your stomach muscles are relaxed, you can easily push them up.
- Stay in this pose until you fully exhale.
Agnisar Kriya
This pose targets the organs and chakras in the abdomen, the center of consciousness.
- Standing with your legs apart, straighten your back and relax your abdominal muscles will be sucked deeper.
- Try drawing your belly button upwards and towards your spine.
- Do not pull your belly button from under the sternum or sink your chest.
- Hold your abdomen for a while before moving back and forth 10-12 times. This completes one round.
- For best results, run at least 3 rounds of Agnisar Kriya.
Nauri Kriya
One of the six cleansing methods or Shatokarma of Hatha Yoga, this pose is not easy for beginners. It can take anywhere from 3 months to a year perfectly.
- Leave your legs, bend your knees, and embrace your thighs.
- Take a deep breath and force it with a hiss.
- Get angry medially and upward towards the sternum of Udhyan Banda. This is the basic position of Nauri Kriya.
- Hold your breath. Try isolating the two abs and force them towards the center. There is no need to breathe.
- The main difficulty is separating the muscles and pulling them into place.
- Breathe, release, and come into a fully standing position.
- Take some deep natural breaths before trying again.
- It will demonstrate its abilities over a period of time.
Ends the session in Shavasana. Reduce your entire weight to gravity and stop any kind of mental activity. These yoga poses are performed regularly and can reward you with a powerful and activated immune system.
Want to learn more about yoga poses that can improve your daily life? Our experts can help