Can HPV or human papillomavirus be transmitted by walking barefoot without intimate skin-to-skin contact? Read it to find out!
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a common viral infection that is usually transmitted through intimate contact, primarily during sexual activity. However, the virus’s Instagram video has raised concerns about its potential spread through casual contact, including barefoot walking and contaminated surfaces touched. In the video, MD and anesthesiologist Dr. Myro Figura suggests that human papillomavirus can also be contracted by infecting infected people in contact with objects or surfaces that have touched an infected person, or walking barefoot in public spaces. Although this claim raised questions, it is important to clarify that most of this infection, particularly strains associated with genital warts and cancer, are transmitted primarily through direct skin-skin contact during sexual activity. Because intimate contact is required for the virus to spread effectively, the risk of contracting human papillomavirus by touching objects or walking barefoot is very low.
HPV Transmission: Viral Video Suggests It Can Spread Without Skin-to-Skin Contact
Recently, popular content creator Dr. Myro Figura shares reels on Instagram and claims that HPV (Human Papillomavirus) can be sent without intimate contact. In the viral video, Dr. Figura says that human papillomavirus, as a sexually transmitted disease, can spread even if it is not sexually active. He lists several ways that the virus can spread, such as holding hands, touching a shopping cart, having him do his nails, walking barefoot. Dr. Myro Figura emphasizes that HPV transmission occurs through human contact, regardless of sexual activity. Let us know if you are likely to contract HPV infection!
What is HPV?
HPV, or human papillomavirus, is a sexually transmitted disease consisting of over 200 related viruses that can affect the skin and mucous membranes. While most human papillomavirus infections do not cause symptoms and often clean up on their own, some high-risk strains can last and lead to serious health problems. Certain types of HPV are responsible for genital war lux, but some are associated with cancers such as cervical, anal, and throat cancer. A study published in the International Journal of Cancer shows that worldwide, human papillomavirus is responsible for 570,000 cancer cases per year in women and 60,000 for men, accounting for 8.6% and 0.8% of all cancers worldwide.
What are the symptoms of HPV?
Furthermore, in the video, Dr. Myro Figura revealed that the most common HPV symptoms include the presence of war luxuries in the fingers or feet when spreading without sexual contact. Although transmitted through intimate contact, plantar war luxe generally forms with this infection in the outer layer of the skin on the sole of the foot. They develop when the virus enters at breaks, weak spots, or small cuts at the bottom of the foot. The American Cancer Society says that symptoms of human papillomavirus depend on its type, including skin and mucous membranes.
1. Warts in areas such as arms, chest, hands, and feet.
1. Cauliflower-shaped warts around the genitals or anus.
2. Abnormal growth
3. lump
4. pain
Human papillomaviruses are spread primarily through intimate skin-skin contact during sexual activities, including vaginal, anal, or oral sex. Gynecologist Dr. Chetna Jain said: “There are certain types of HPVs that cause plantar war luxuries, but these strains are not usually classified as sexually transmitted diseases (STIs), and are less likely to spread to communal surfaces such as beds. They are non-repeated HPV strains and must be in direct contact with the virus on the surface.
Plantar war lust is usually caused by strains such as HPV-1 and HPV-2. HPV-1 and HPV-2 spread through contact with contaminated surfaces such as public pools and locker room floors. According to a study published in BMJ Clinical Evidence, risk factors for developing warts include co-shower use, meat occupational treatment, and immunosuppression.
Can HPV be sent by touching objects or surfaces?
In a video of the virus, Dr. Myro Figura suggested that the human papillomavirus could spread when an infected person touches surfaces or objects. Human papillomaviruses can survive on surfaces for a short period of time, especially when the surface is damp, if the virus’s ability to survive outside the human body is limited. The chances of contracting human papillomaviruses from inanimate objects such as toilet seats and towels are very unlikely.
Huan Papillomavirus usually requires direct skin-to-skin contact for transmission. “It is not easily transmitted through inanimate objects or surfaces. The virus thrives on moist, mucosal tissues rather than dry surfaces. For sexually transmitted human papillomavirus strains, transmission occurs through direct contact with infected genital skin, mucous membranes, or body fluids, typically during vaginal, anal, or oral sex. While it is theoretically possible for non-genital HPV strains to spread via contaminated surfaces, this is rare,” experts say. According to Gynecological Obstetric Fertilizers & Senology, human papillomaviruses can sometimes be detected on surfaces such as clothing and environmental objects, but the risk of infection through these measures remains minimal.

How to prevent HPV or human papillomavirus?
The most common and effective way to prevent human papillomavirus is vaccination. It can protect the most common high and low risk strains and reduce the risk of genital warts and certain cancers. In the video, Dr. Myro Figura suggests disinfecting the surroundings to prevent the development of human papilloma-like skin. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggest some tips to prevent this infection.
- HPV vaccines can protect against diseases, including cancer caused by this infection, when administered at the recommended age.
- Regular screening of women aged 21-65 years can help prevent cervical cancer.
- If you are sexually active, use condoms correctly to reduce the risk of transmission.
- Maintain a monogamous relationship with each other to reduce the risk of HPV.
- If you or your partner has genital warts, avoid sexual activity until the warts are cleared.
HPV and skin to skin contact: Why STD?
Human papillomaviruses are classified as sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). This is because its primary mode of infection is due to intimate contact. “There are over 200 strains in HPV, of which about 40 have a specific effect on the genital area and are transmitted via vaginal, anal or oral sex. These are strains associated with a variety of cancers, including genital warts and neck, anal and throat cancers,” says Dr. Chetna Jain.
The virus can spread even if an infected person does not show visible symptoms such as genital wart luxuries. The virus can survive on the surface for a short period of time, but it usually requires direct contact with the infected skin or mucous membranes. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services’ Women’s Health Office, approximately 80% of women contract with at least one type of human papillomavirus in their lifetime. In addition to sexual contact, it can also be transmitted from mother to baby during childbirth.
Is there a treatment for HPV?
There is no cure for HPV itself, but there are treatments for the health problems it causes. In most cases, these infectious diseases are cleared on their own, especially for low-risk strains. However, treatment options are available if it causes genital warts or abnormal cellular changes. These include surgical removal of topical medications (such as Imiquimod or Podofilox), cryotherapy (frozen war lux), or war lux. For abnormal cervical cells, procedures such as colposcopy, LEEP, and cryotherapy may be recommended to prevent cancer. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) emphasizes that routine PAP testing and follow-up care can detect pre-cancer changes early and enable treatment before cancer develops. HPV vaccination helps prevent infections from high- and low-risk strains, reducing the risk of associated cancer and genital war luxuries.
While it is unlikely to gain HPV by walking or touching barefoot barefoot, it is better to take precautions. Disinfect your surroundings and talk to your healthcare provider about regular testing and better guidance.
Related FAQs
Are all HPV strains sexually transmitted?
No, not all HPV strains are sexually transmitted diseases. “Structures that cause common warts in the hands and feet are not considered STDs. However, classification as STDs is specifically applied to genital HPV strains due to propagation mode,” adds Dr. Chetna Jain.
What are the main modes of HV transmission?
Sexual contact is an important component of HPV transmission. “These strains spread through direct contact with infected genital skin or mucosa and are classified together with other STDs such as chlamydia and herpes,” says Dr. Chetna Jain.
What are the common misconceptions about HPV?
The most common misconception about HPV is that it can only be spread through sexual contact. “People assume that all HPV infections or all STDs spread in the same way. The classification as an STD reflects the way a particular strain is transmitted, not the whole virus.”