With some convenient and quick daily blocks, you’ll make incredible progress towards any fitness goal.
When do you exercise? Anyone who exercises has the answer to this question. People who build sustainable health and fitness are not the ones who take part in exercise classes on random evenings and convenient long weekends. These people have plans. Ask them when they exercise and they will tell you:
When do you exercise? Anyone who exercises has the answer to this question. People who build sustainable health and fitness are not the ones who take part in exercise classes on random evenings and convenient long weekends. These people have plans. Ask them when they exercise and they will tell you:
- “The first thing that happened in the morning before my family woke up.”
- “On the way to work. I’ll take a shower and get ready for work at the gym.”
- “During lunch break.”
- “Immediately after work, just before I head home.”
People who struggle to exercise consistently usually quote being too busy as a reason. That makes sense. Even if you have a very efficient HIIT routine within 30 minutes, you’re ready to go to the gym, drive to the gym, lock your valuables, and have a bit of talk usually accumulates over an hour. However, if you throw away the gym and divide your workout into several blocks throughout the day, you can fit into your exercise more efficiently. After all, we are humans. Like all animals, we are made to travel more than once a day.

I proposed this approach in my 5 and 4 alarm workout article, but both of these plans assume that the exercise must be equipment free if you fluidly fit them into your day opening. Body weight exercises are great, but once you learn kettlebells, your options will become even more fun and diverse. This simple tool offers unparalleled effectiveness. Keeping your kettlebell by your desk will help you make a great progress towards your fitness goals. In fact, diffusing into some quick kettlebell-centered blocks may be a more effective way of training than the standard all-at-on approach
As I insisted on learning kettlebells and unlocking freedom, kettlebells are the most effective, efficient and portable tool in fitness. It adjusts durability, increases durability, increases mobility, and builds functional strength and strength. Its unique design gives you a powerful training effect and allows you to enjoy continuous skill improvement. Of course, it’s still a great tool for simple and easy meat and potato exercises.
I’ll make your plan
Once you have mastered the kettlebell (I recommend my full kettlebell program), the only thing left to understand is:
What are the three or four tasks per day?
- Morning, before breakfast, before lunch, before going home
- Find the fourth time or calm down three times
- Set up a mobile alarm or other predictable queue to trigger the exercise. Consistent behavior is based on the science of habits and growing willpower. Check out my free ebook for more information on this. An essential guide to self-correction.
Do you plan to store your kettlebells at work?
- Under your desk?
- By car?
Which work clothes are the easiest to exercise?
- Find work clothes that you can exercise for your gender. There are many women’s options. Men, that’s getting better too. Thank you for the elastic golf pants.
How can I reduce the self-consciousness associated with being a eccentric who works?
- If you have an office, you can close the blinds. You can either go outside or identify spaces that are rarely used. Or, I can’t worry about it. After all, you’re great.
What kind of kettlebell training can you do and how do you build your plan?
- There are many options. Once you’ve mastered the basics, try mixing and matching the next 6-10 minute blocks.
Kettlebell Exercise Block 1 Option
Each block should start with this very fast kettlebell warm-up:
- Kettlebell Hello for the 5 side
- Kettlebell Squat Pry Series
- 3-legged kettlebell RDL per side
- 5 push-ups
This block is ideally done first thing in the morning. This is before you get dressed for work, so you have the opportunity to be a little dirty. We recommend that you take advantage of this opportunity to perform the Turkish natives (TGU), the king of all exercises.
Included in options:
- Set the timer for 6-8 minutes and alternate between the right and left hand TGUs continuously.
- 10 per row of kettlebells in 3 rounds of right hand and 1 left hand TGU
Kettlebell Exercise Blocks 2, 3, and 4 Options
Option 1
3 rounds:
- 5 rdl rows per side kettlebell
- Side 3 times kettlebell snatch or kettlebell strick press
Option 2
- Two-hand kettlebell swing interval is 6-8 minutes. Start with 30 seconds of work and 30 seconds of rest and work to reduce your rest.
になったんです。 English: The first thing you can do is to find the best one to do.
Option 3
- A constant suitcase is carried for 6-10 minutes.
It is well documented that outdoor breaks will boost energy and productivity. Head out and do a variation of this single-armed farmer’s walk. Stuff your shoulders down and back tightly and hold the bell tightly. walk. When the grip loosens, switch your hands. Continue this way until you are outside of hours.
Option 4
- Single Arm Kettlebell Swing for 6-10 Minutes – Left 10, Rest, 10 Right, Rest, Repeat until time passes.
Option 5: Gauntlet
- 15 arm kettlebell clean per side, reverse lunge, press (alternative hand after one person in all three exercises).
- 20-30 Hand bent row
Option 6
AMRAP for 5-10 minutes:
- 10 Kettle Bel Goblet Squat
- 5 push-ups
Option 7
2-Exercise Tabata:
- Select two kettlebell exercises and alternate 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work/10 second break.
Kettlebell fitness is good for you
There are many other options, but these exercise blocks should be more than enough to get started. A day that includes three or four of these options will be a very active and healthy day. That’s the advantage of learning kettlebells, the most portable and powerful tool in fitness. It’s a skill that unleashes a lifetime of fun fitness.
Featured Image: Srdjan Randjelovic/Shutterstock