Nuts, often highlighted as low-carb foods, are generally considered healthy choices for people with diabetes.
But like many healthy foods, the old proverbs about “too good” are true.
So, are nuts a good snack for people with diabetes? Absolutely, your favorite nuts like cashews, almonds, macadamias, Brazilian nuts, Filberts, walnuts, regular old peanuts (actually legumes!) are all good options.
However, moderation is important when it comes to snacking nuts with diabetes.
In this article, we will look at both the advantages of nuts and the disadvantages of overeating.
Does nuts affect blood sugar levels?
Nuts are certainly lower in carbohydrates compared to fruits and grains, but they are not so low that they ignore the effects on blood sugar.
Most nuts have about 5-6 grams of carbohydrates per ounce. After subtracting dietary fiber (a portion of the number of carbohydrates that are not broken down into glucose), the nut net carbohydrates you get is 2 grams per ounce per ounce.
Peanuts – legumes that are often grouped with nuts – appear to have lower carbohydrates, but can also raise blood sugar levels more than expected. Peanut butter often adds a little sugar and slightly increases the carbohydrate, but can be enough to raise blood sugar levels.
That being said, even 100% peanuts can be pulverized to raise blood sugar levels.
For those taking insulin, you may need a very small bolus of insulin with peanuts, peanut butter or other nuts.
Some studies have shown improvements when fasting blood glucose levels and A1c levels (a measure of glucose control over the past 2-3 months) when consuming nuts, possibly due to healthy fats, fiber, antioxidants, and other plant compounds present in nuts.
Furthermore, fat in a carbohydrate-rich diet slows down carbohydrate absorption and thus reduces blood sugar levels.
New research suggests that this effect can be very pronounced when fat is first consumed before carbohydrate-rich foods. This is considered a “carbohydrate and last” dietary pattern.
However, it is important to note that nuts may have a positive effect on blood sugar levels, but they should not be consumed with each snack or meal.
Nut nutrition
Nuts can generally be part of a healthy whole food-based diet for diabetics, especially those who eat low-carbohydrate diets. But that doesn’t mean we should be wild without restraint and eat nuts.
Nuts offer a huge number of health benefits, but they also have extremely dense calories and dietary fats.
Nutrition profiles for most nuts
The recommended nut size is 1 ounce, which is equivalent to 1/4 cup. The exact volume may vary slightly for different types of nuts due to size and density.
On average, 1 ounce of nuts provides 160-200 calories, 5-6 grams of carbohydrates, and 1-3 grams of dietary fiber.
According to the USDA (USDA), a one-ounce serving of salted mixed nuts, for example, contains:
- 170 calories
- 14 grams of fat
- Total carbohydrates 7 grams
- 2 grams of dietary fiber
- 1 gram of naturally occurring sugar
- 5 grams of protein
Nuts also contain a variety of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial nutrients.
- Antioxidants
- Omega-3 fatty acids
- calcium
- Colin
- iron
- zinc
- magnesium
- Lin
- potassium
- Vitamin A, C, e
- Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5 B6, B7, B9
So while nuts are definitely high in healthy nutrients, they also pack serious punches when it comes to calories. A glass of nuts (not too often, ready to eat) can pack around 800 calories for a third to half of most adults’ daily calorie needs.
Read this guide How to determine your daily calorie needs.
Understanding nut fat
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), diabetics are more than twice as likely to develop heart disease compared to people without diabetes.
This makes it particularly important to be aware of the type and amount of fat you consume, and how it affects your heart health when living with diabetes.
Nut fats are largely single saturated and are very suitable for lowering LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and protecting overall heart health.
Studies suggest that high LDL levels and low HDL (“good”) cholesterol levels are both associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease death. There is evidence suggesting low HDL cholesterol levels, which are particularly concerning for people of certain racial groups.
This underscores the importance of balanced cholesterol levels for cardiovascular health.
Other health benefits of nuts
Plant-based calcium sources for bone health
Other health benefits of nuts can support bone health.
Although most nuts are thought to be low in calcium, almonds stand out as the source of this mineral. They offer about 76 milligrams of calcium per ounce, which is about 6% of the daily value of calcium.
This is considered less than a “good sauce”, but can contribute to your daily calcium needs.
From a calcium content standpoint, it is important to consider almonds as part of a diverse diet rather than directly substitute for other food sources. For example, almonds provide a source of calcium, but are less than one serving in volume compared to other calcium-rich foods, such as seeds, beans, fortified soy products and dairy products.
Research has consistently supported the role of calcium in maintaining bone mineral density, and calcium is a mineral necessary for bone health at all life stages.
Almond milk is a complementary choice for those looking to diversify their calcium sources, especially when fortified with calcium and vitamin D. However, relying solely on almond milk for your calcium needs will require you to pay attention to the product label to ensure proper nutritional intake.
Other plant-based calcium sources, such as dark-foliated greenery including spinach, kale, and romaine lettuce, can also contribute to a balanced diet that supports bone health. Balancing different calcium sources and maintaining a diet rich in other bone-supplied nutrients is key to optimal bone health.
Reduced inflammation
“Given its potent antioxidant/anti-inflammatory potential, nuts may have a positive effect on other risk factors for cardiovascular metabolic diseases, such as inflammation and oxidative stress,” explained a 2023 study on nut consumption and inflammation.
In this review, we will consider how eating nuts can help you fight inflammation and stress in your body. This is a factor that can lead to a variety of long-term health issues. This study suggests that inclusion of nuts in our diet may help reduce inflammation (although it is necessary to find out exactly how they can help).
And this does not mean you should eat nuts in a handful.
Nuts are still densely packed with calories, and 1/4 cup per day is enough for the average person.
Harvard Medical School encourages nuts as part of their entire anti-inflammatory diet.
“To reduce inflammation levels, aim for an overall healthy diet. If you are looking for a feeding plan that closely follows the doctrine of anti-inflammatory feeding, consider a Mediterranean diet high in fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, fish and healthy oil.”
Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease
Regularly including nuts in your diet is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and even reduced deaths from all causes.
This is supported by Harvard’s extensive research that has analyzed data from more than 210,000 healthcare professionals for up to 32 years.
Their findings revealed that people who eat nuts five times a week reduced their risk of cardiovascular disease by 14%, and their risk of coronary heart disease by 20% compared to those who rarely consumed nuts.
In particular, this protective effect was observed not only for tree nuts, but also for peanuts that share similar nutritional profiles with nuts, despite being legumes.
Evidence pointing to the benefits of heart health, inflammation control, and bone strength means that nuts manifest themselves as valuable elements of healthy diets, but it is important to remember that these findings are based on observational studies (emphasizing connections rather than causality).
Does eating nuts increase weight?
Nuts are calorie-rich due to their high fat content, but they also provide protein and dietary fiber. This contributes to bloating and when consumed moderately, it helps in weight management.
These bloating helps reduce overeating, making nuts a nutritious snack option that can be adapted to a balanced diet without necessarily leading to weight gain.
However, it is important to eat nuts with all your heart, as excessive grazing throughout the day can lead to excessive calorie consumption. It’s important to enjoy nuts in the controlled portion to take advantage of their health benefits without overdoing calories.
How often do people with diabetes need to eat nuts?
Incorporating nuts into your diet offers a variety of benefits due to nutritional density and hypoglycemic index, which can help you manage your glucose.
Daily servings of about 1/4 cup (1 ounce) or two tablespoons of nut butter are generally recommended, but recent studies have suggested more specific guidelines.
Research shows that taking nuts multiple times a week can improve heart health and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, with some experts recommending at least four servings per week.
However, people with certain conditions such as chronic kidney disease (CKD) may need to monitor their nut intake more closely due to their higher phosphorus content.
In such cases, it is recommended to limit consumption to less servings per week, such as almonds and cashew nuts, and choose low phosphorus with phosphorus. Consult your healthcare provider if you have a condition that may be affected by nut consumption to determine the best course of action.
Budget constraints also affect how often you eat nuts. Although it can be expensive, several varieties such as peanuts offer more affordable alternatives while offering nutritional benefits. By purchasing large quantities, choosing store brands, or choosing expensive nuts, you can make regular consumption more feasible.
Diabetic patients may respond differently, so it is important to measure how different types of nuts affect blood sugar levels. Gradually incorporating nuts and monitoring blood glucose can help you identify how this food affects blood glucose patterns.
Finally, when choosing nuts, prioritize those that are heavily salted or uncovered with sugar or chocolate to ensure the healthiest option. Oil roasted nuts are flavorful, but may contain additional fats, making dry roasted or raw nuts a healthier option.
Are nuts better for people with diabetes than others?
While certain nuts stand out with their rich nutritional profiles, it is worth noting that most nuts bring valuable health benefits to the table. for example:
- Almonds contain a wealth of vitamin E, an antioxidant that supports your overall health.
- Walnuts stand out with omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for heart and brain health.
- Cashew nuts are recognized at a critical level of magnesium levels, which are essential for energy production and bone health.
- Brazil nuts have high levels of selenium, a mineral that supports thyroid health and has antioxidant properties. .
- Hazelnuts (Filberts) provide valuable monosaturated fats and vitamin E to help with heart health and blood glucose control.
- Pecans and macadamia nuts with single saturated fats and antioxidants also play a role in cholesterol management and reducing oxidative stress.
- Almonds, peanuts and pistachios are among the many nuts that have been attracting attention for their ability to lower LDL cholesterol.
Including medium amounts of different nuts can help you enrich your diet with essential nutrients while supporting diabetes management.
Which nuts should people with diabetes avoid?
As explained, moderate nuts generally provide healthy options for people with or without diabetes. However, there are some types of nuts that are better left on the shelf.
These contained heavy salted nuts due to their high sodium content, high varieties coated with toppings such as sugar, honey, and chocolate, and high sugar content.