Do you have the habit of putting your laptop on your lap and working? If you don’t want to develop toasted skin syndrome, give up on this habit.
You can stretch your legs into the bed while you’re working or watching a movie on your laptop. However, resting your thigh fever device may not be the best for your skin. The heat you feel from a laptop can lead to skin syndrome and can cause discoloration of the skin. A relatively unusual skin condition can affect you even if you use a heating pad for a long time. If you don’t stop exposing yourself to devices that emit fever, you may increase your risk of skin cancer.
What is Toast Skin Syndrome?
“Toasted skin syndrome or erythema AB IGNE is a condition of the skin caused by prolonged exposure to fever,” says dermatologist Dr. Shifa Yadav. As the name suggests, this condition is related to the appearance of the “toast” skin. Discoloration occurs in the affected area, the legs, thighs, or hips, which are normally consistently exposed to heat sources.

This condition is characterized by a reddish brown or fish net pattern that appears on the skin. Over time, the skin can become dry and rough, and even thicker. “In severe cases, toasted skin syndrome can cause skin damage, such as altered pigmentation and the development of precancerous lesions,” experts say.
A study published in Carēus in 2021 shows that toasted skin syndrome is more prevalent in women than in men. A study published in Pediatrics in 2010 shows that children may also be at risk for this skin condition.
What causes to toasted skin syndrome?
“The main causes of toasted skin syndrome can be repeated or extended to heat sources such as sitting near a heating pad, space heater, laptop or hot stove or using a heater in a car,” experts say. Exposure to the skin to heat for a long period of time can cause damage to the deeper layers of the skin and cause discoloration.
“The fever dilates blood vessels, releases melanin in the skin, and forms dark spots,” experts say. In some cases, exposure to heat can also lead to reduced skin elasticity and collagen degradation.
What are the symptoms of toasted skin syndrome?
Symptoms of toasted skin syndrome include:
- They generally start with mild redness in the skin in areas exposed to heat.
- Over time, the skin can develop fishnet patterns with brownish or reddish discoloration.
- The skin may not be painful at first, but continuous exposure to heat can lead to dry, rough or scaly.
- In some cases, the skin may develop blisters and burning sensations.
- As the condition progresses, there will be changes in permanent pigmentation and development of thickening of the skin.
“Symptoms should not be taken lightly, as in rare cases, long-term heat exposure can increase the risk of skin cancer in the affected area,” says Dr. Yadav.
How to diagnose toasted skin syndrome?
Here’s how to diagnose toasted skin syndrome:
- This skin condition is diagnosed through physical examinations by professionals such as dermatologists. “The unique appearance of skin with a reddish brown or fishnet pattern helps identify the condition,” experts say.
- Doctors also seek detailed history of heat exposure.
- In some cases, you can take a biopsy or skin sample to make sure it’s not skin cancer or a different type of dermatitis.

How to treat toasted skin syndrome?
Treatment of toast skin syndrome depends on the severity of the condition.
- For mild cases, the best thing to do is to stop exposing the affected area to a source of heat. In a 2017 study published in the International Journal of Dermatology, researchers found that removal of heat sources leads to complete remission. “To avoid long exposure, try to take a break from a laptop-like device every 30 minutes,” experts say.
- Use moisturizers, soothing creams, and ointments to care for dry skin and irritation. “You can use something that has aloe vera because it helps you recover from hydration and rejuvenate the inflammation of calm,” says Dr Yadav.
- It may be prescribed in severe cases such as thickened skin or changes in pigmentation, laser therapy or topical medications such as corticosteroids. “These can help reduce inflammation and improve the appearance of skin affected by toasted skin syndrome,” experts say.
Be sure to take a break, whether you balance your thigh laptop for a long time or use a heating pad to relieve the pain. Prolonged heat exposure can lead to skin syndrome toast, which mainly affects women and children.
Related FAQs
Is it bad for your skin sitting next to the heater?
Yes, it can be bad for your skin, especially if you sit next to the heater for a long time, especially if the heater emits heat directly in a certain area. Continuous exposure to high temperatures can cause dry skin, leading to irritation, dehydration and loss of natural oils. This can make the skin more fragile to developmental conditions like toasted skin syndrome. The skin can become discolored, rough, and even burn.
Is toasted skin syndrome rare?
Toasted skin syndrome is less common than other skin conditions. Originally, this condition was more common among people who used heating pads for medical reasons, but in recent years modern technology has made this condition more common. Heat-releasing devices such as laptops, space heaters and car seat heaters are used to contribute to increasing cases of this syndrome.