Walking is an easy and great way to stay healthy and healthy. Use the wearable weight and push it in a little more. Learn why walking with ankle weight is good for you.
It’s not just about tying shoelaces before going for a walk. Wear the weight of your ankles to increase the intensity of your exercise. They are weights attached to wide straps that are neatly wrapped around the ankles. It adds resistance to training, making walking movements even stronger. Increased resistance helps to lose weight and improve muscle strength in the legs and hips. Obviously, walking with ankle weight helps you achieve your fitness goals.
What is ankle weight?
They are fitness training tools used to strengthen exercise by building resistance, improving endurance and affecting overall performance. “It can usually be used as adjustable wear straps, and these ankle weight straps are intended to provide extra weight resistance during training sessions,” says fitness expert Aman Puri.

Therefore, you can try walking with ankle weight to increase resistance. The wearable weights are manufactured and filled with metal and sand. They are offered in multiple colors and varying weights depending on the individual’s needs. These weights target the muscles of the hips, thighs and legs, especially those in the hips.
What are the benefits of walking with ankle weight?
While regular walking has its advantages, it may be better to wear ankle weight. A study published in the 2017 Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation found that walking by ankle weight may be more effective than regular walking exercise. The benefits of walking with ankle weights include:
1. Strengthen your muscles
Walking with ankle weight helps improve the strength of your lower body, especially your feet and hips. “As you gain more weight, your muscles start working hard, which leads to their tone and strengthening, especially the muscles in your hamstrings, calves and quadices,” Puri says.
2. Improves stability and balance
These weights don’t just make your daily walking regime more versatile. Walking with ankle weight helps improve stability and balance. “This combination helps you overcome the possibility of a fall by improving and stabilizing the muscles around your ankles, hips and knees,” says the expert.
3. Improve joint health
Walking by ankle weight is suitable for joints. According to a study published in Gait & Posture in 2020, using them regularly can help improve overall joint strength. Improved resistance can help improve joint movements, especially in the ankles, hips and knee joints.
4. Helps in managing your weight
Wearing ankle weight while walking can help you burn calories and manage your weight. “Your body needs extra energy when walking on tied weights,” Puri said. This can stimulate energy production from stored body fat and lead to calorie burning. “A walk at 2 mph for 30 minutes with ankle weight can burn about 70 to 80 calories,” says the expert.
5. Supports heart health
Wearing these weights around your ankles is beneficial to your mind. It helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, according to a study published in the Journal of Taiba University Medical Sciences in 2016. Walking with ankle weight increases the weight of your feet and requires extra effort. “This increases blood circulation and increases oxygen uptake,” says the expert. It is the process of ingesting oxygen and using it to supply energy to organs and tissues. “When that increases, it improves heart rhythm and heart health,” experts say.
Does walking by ankle weight increase bone density?
“Wearing ankle weight while walking can stimulate bone growth and help prevent the risk of developing bone diseases like osteoporosis,” experts say. Wearing these weights can help you build muscles that support your joints, especially your knees, hips and ankles.
If you are at risk of developing bone loss, adding light ankle weight to your walking routine is a good way to maintain bone health. “Pair it with a diet rich in calcium, magnesium and vitamin D to support increased bone density,” suggests Puri.
Walking by ankle weight: How do you use them?
It is important to use the weight of your ankle correctly while walking to prevent injuries.
- First choose a light ankle weight, then gradually increase the weight and strengthen it. Try choosing ankle weights of 1-2% of your body weight to minimize injuries.
- Always choose wearable weights that are comfortable when wearing with supportive shoes. “This helps avoid deformations around the ankles and feet,” Puri says.
- Do not flip the weight tightly around the ankle, slowly and firmly or tightly. Otherwise, you will experience obstacles while walking.
- Be careful of walking posture while using these weights. Take small steps to keep your back straight, attract the core and maintain balance. “If walking is difficult, choose a light ankle weight,” says the expert.

What are the drawbacks of walking with ankle weight?
These weights are beneficial, but there may be some drawbacks.
- They involve only limited involvement of the hamstring muscles, which can lead to muscle imbalances.
- Overuse of weight can cause injuries such as sprains and dislocations, and can lead to inflamed tendons (tendonitis).
- The use of ankle weight increases pressure in the knee joint and can worsen pain and inflammation in people with arthritis.
“Injuries, pregnant women and elderly people must check with their doctors for safe use to avoid injuries,” Puri says.
Walking with ankle weight is a great way to add resistance to your workout. Start with lightweight to prevent injuries. Those with arthritis or other health conditions should consult a professional before using these weights.
Related FAQs
How much ankle weight should I wear while walking?
You can wear the ankle weight for 15-30 minutes. Using them for long periods of time can put strain on your muscles and joints. If you use ankle weights regularly, use less weights or wear them only for a short period of time.
Is the weight of the ankle of 2 kg good?
It is always suggested that beginners start with lower weights to avoid unnecessary strain on their muscles and joints. Ideally, ankle weights of 0.5-1 kg are recommended for daily use. If you are involved in sports or professional training or burn more calories, you can gradually increase your weight to 1.5-2 kg to strengthen your muscles and strengthen your endurance.
How about walking with an ankle weight tone bat?
Using ankle weight while walking helps the glute bone muscles work harder and tone your butt. However, the involvement of the gluteus maximus muscle is not entirely present during walking. Incorporating other exercises with walking, such as lunges, squats, kickbacks, and legs lifting using ankle weights can benefit if toning your butt is a target.