Have you ever noticed any strange rashes, smells, or bumps in the vaginal area? Don’t be surprised – most of the STIs are not a big deal if treated properly anyway, but sometimes the strange clumps and bumps in our vaginas can be sexually uninfected.
Our vaginas are our own small microbiota, and many things can happen when the delicate balance of our ecosystems is disrupted. Furthermore, just like under the armpits, the gro diameter has a very sensitive skin fold, which accumulates sweat, bacteria and dirt, making breakouts and rashes not uncommon.
You should always consult your primary care provider or gynecologist If you think something is going on in your vagina, however, the STI may not be responsible because the condition may appear a little out of normal. Read on to learn more about “strange”-looking vaginal conditions that are not sexually transmitted.
vaginitis It is a general term for disorders that cause vaginal infection or inflammation. Symptoms include abnormal discharge, itching, and odor. Vulvaginitis refers to inflammation of the external female genitals and internal vaginal canals.
Vaginitis can be due to sexually transmitted or non-sexual causes. For example, common chemicals found in sprays, creams, or certain types of clothing and dyes that come into contact with this area can cause irritation with less neat results. Sometimes vaginitis can be due to dry vaginal dryness due to menopause or lack of estrogen due to hormonal imbalance.
Yeast infection
at least Three out of four Women suffer from yeast infections at some point in their lives, with about 45% having yeast multiple times. Yeast infections occur when there is overgrowth of Candida virus, not STI.
It is normal and healthy for the vagina, mouth and gastrointestinal tract to contain some degree of Candida, but overgrowth of yeast can cause infection. Infections usually occur when the delicate balance of bacteria in the system is disrupted, such as when taking antibiotics. This wipes away “friendly” bacteria that usually suppress yeast. Other reasons include diabetes (too much sugar in the urine) and shifting hormone levels.
Bacterial Vaginosis
Bacterial vaginosis is the most common vaginal infection in premenopausal adult women, and is caused by a combination of various bacterial strains that are usually present in the vagina. Overgrowth of these types of bacteria due to the upset pH balance leads to bacterial vaginosis. Risk factors for bacterial vaginosis include smoking tobacco, regular irrigation, and new or multiple sexual partners (but not sexually transmitted diseases).
Grab it into the vagina
You may think that vaginal acne looks embarrassing, but they form just like they are clogged with pores, bacteria, dead skin and oils. They are almost always harmless and usually clean up yourself without external interference or additional medication. Vagina acne can be the result of a variety of factors, such as tight clothing, reaction to soap or fabrics, or infected hair follicles.
Please contact dermatitis
Contact dermatitis refers to a reaction you may have due to something that touches your skin. Stimulating the skin can cause acne to form. Please contact dermatitis In the genital area, it is common for sensitivity such as:
- Tampons or hygiene products
- Women’s deodorizer, wipes, lotions, perfumes, or powders
- Certain types of scents, such as soap, bubble baths, etc.
- Laundry deterrent
- Drying sheet
- Specific topical drugs
- Sexual arousal stimulants, sperm agents, and condoms
- shower
Other irritants include vaginal discharge, sweat, semen, and urine.
Purulence of aquatic inflammation (HS)
Also known as acne inversa Hydradenitis is purulent It is a skin condition in which small, painful masses form under the skin, usually an area where the skin rubs frequently, such as the gro diameter, under the armpits, and breasts. These lumps often take a long time to heal and can recur, resulting in scars and tunnels beneath the skin. If this disease causes physical and mental distress, surgical and treatment used in combination may be useful.
I’m infected Hair lining It can cause acne in the genital area, and hair in the gro diameter is especially common as it is thicker and more curved than your head or other parts of the body. Therefore, shaving the gro diameter will cause the hair to go back towards the skin and curl towards the skin, which can cause irritation.
Hair can be produced if the hair grows back to the skin rather than the outside. Regular shaving and exercise after shaving with narrow clothing can worsen this condition, so if you have folliculitis or hair infiltrated, consider waxing or laser hair removal.
Molluscs It is a viral skin infection that can cause pimples anywhere in the body, including the genital area. Although no treatment is usually required, your doctor can remove acne or prescribe topical or oral medication if necessary.
Growth is a condition of the skin that can occur anywhere in the body, including the vaginal area.
Bartholin cyst
Barthorin’s Glands It is located on the lips on either side of the vaginal opening and secretes lubricant during sexual intercourse to reduce friction and protect vaginal tissue. Unusually, Bertlin’s cysts can occur near one side of the vaginal opening. If they don’t clean up or cause pain in a few days, let your doctor drain it.
Skin tags
Skin tags are small flaps of tissue that do not pose acne-like health threats. If they start to get irritated, you can ask your doctor to remove them.