Kindness is good for your happiness. Sometimes it can be difficult to show kindness at work, but you still need to practice. On World Kindness Day, we will explain how to demonstrate it in the workplace.
Being kind to someone is good for someone who is not only helpful to those who receive it, but also for those who are kind. It reduces stress and improves overall well-being. It is even more effective in the work environment. It is important for people to show kindness in the workplace as they spend more time with their colleagues. Deliberate acts of kindness in your office will not only help you with your mental health, but will also create a positive work environment. However, in competition with colleagues, lending a helping hand may not always be easy. Don’t worry. We will show you how to demonstrate kindness in the workplace, like the world’s kindness day on November 13th.
What is kindness?
Kindness is more than just an action or action. He is generous, kind and considerate, without expecting anything in return. “To be kind in a world where softness is often mistaken for relaxation is courage. Unlike other people’s pain empathy, kindness actively creates ripples of possibilities and transforms ordinary moments into a small universe of hope,” said Dr. Chandni Tugnait, psychotherapist and life coach.

Kindness can create positive social connections that can help reduce stress, following a review published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine in 2021. They calm you down and remove any anxiety that may cloud your senses when you are struggling at work.
Also, being kind to others can elicit positive emotions such as joy and happiness, according to a study published in the Frontier of Psychology in 2021. In another 2021 study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology, researchers found that even remembering acts of kindness like buying lunch for a colleague can promote happiness.
How to demonstrate kindness in the workplace: challenges you may face
There may be barriers to the kindness that the workplace presents. Here are some of them:
- If success is measured only in numbers, soft skills like kindness are invisible and they appear less valuable.
- The tight deadlines and packed schedules make it seem like a luxury we can’t afford to spend time in being considerate.
- Hierarchical structures can put kindness at risk, especially in leadership positions, as it can be mistaken for weakness to appearing too soft.
- In highly competitive places there is often a fundamental concern that kindness is interpreted as naive or used against us.
10 ways to show kindness at work
1. Active Acknowledgements
Instead of everyday “thank you” you should take a little time to be tangible about someone else’s efforts at work. “With such perseverance and professionalism, I realized how well I handled that challenging client call. It really made a difference in the end result.”
2. Gives extra time
People can feel overwhelmed at work. As a way to show kindness in the workplace, offer to help your colleagues when they need it. You may need to stay in the office for an extra 15 minutes, but you need to do that. “This is more strategic support when someone at your workplace really needs it,” says Dr. Tugnait.
3. Sharing knowledge
Every challenge at work teaches you something. Rather than gathering information for a competitive advantage in your office, create a simple guide or document for the general challenges you have overcome. This will improve the entire team and establish it as a supportive resource.
4. I criticize the correct way
Share certain positive observations and practical suggestions while providing constructive criticism to your colleagues. “Your research on the subject is thorough. Work to make your presentation more concise. Graphic skills also make the data come true.”
5. Small gestures
If you are drinking coffee or tea for yourself, ask your colleagues if they are similarly needed. “This may seem like a small gesture or consideration, but it allows us to build a culture of mutual support in the workplace without the need for epic gestures,” says Dr. Tugnait.

6. Add warmth to digital communication
We are always told to be formal while filming emails and messages to our colleagues. But it’s not harmful to spend extra time adding warmth to those emails and messages. There is no need to use emojis. Use the name to see the recipient’s workload and be clear about your timeline and expectations.
7. Give credits
If someone has time and effort, it’s easy to give them credit. Team members’ contributions at meetings are actively mentioned. “You can do that even if it doesn’t exist during a meeting. This act of kindness in the workplace can build trust and create a culture of awareness,” experts say.
8. Support newcomers
You may have spent years in your current organization, but there will always be new employees. Remember how overwhelming your first few weeks have been and provide real support to them. It’s as simple as lunch invitations and simple tips on corporate culture.
9. Help me during a personal crisis
Providing help when your colleagues are on the job is one way to show kindness in the workplace. Co-workers can face personal challenges. At such a point, we provide specific support rather than general support. If you need to deal with family issues, please cover their meetings and tell them you can work on a specific project.
10. Disaster emissions
You are working with other people, so there is a conflict. When tensions rise, don’t escalate them. “The person who proposes constructive pauses or reconstructs the discussion in terms of shared goals, not personal positions, but rather in terms of shared goals,” the expert suggests.
These are just a few ways to show kindness at work. Make them part of your habits and you should be able to build better connections in your workplace.